What Size Crate Does Your German Shepherd Need?

As responsible dog owners, you want to ensure that your furry friend is comfortable and safe, especially when it comes to resting and sleeping.

Choosing the right crate size for your German Shepherd plays a significant role in their overall well-being. A crate that is too small can cause discomfort and physical strain, while a crate that is too big can lead to anxiety and insecurity.


Why Choosing the Right Size Crate is Important for Your German Shepherd

When it comes to your furry friend’s safety and comfort, selecting the right size crate for your German Shepherd is essential. A dog crate that is too small can cause discomfort, anxiety, and even injury, while a crate that is too large can negate the feeling of security that a cozy den-like space provides.

Providing a properly-sized crate, on the other hand, offers numerous benefits for your German Shepherd. Firstly, it offers a comfortable and secure space for them to relax and rest. Secondly, it can aid in training and housebreaking by encouraging positive behavior. Lastly, it can make traveling and moving with your pet a stress-free experience.

For these reasons, selecting the right crate size for your German Shepherd is of utmost importance. In the next sections, we’ll dive into the specifics of choosing a correct dog crate size for your furry friend.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Crate for a German Shepherd

When selecting a crate size for your dog, you must consider several factors to ensure their safety and comfort. These factors include:





The age of your German Shepherd will be a determining factor in the crate size you choose. Puppies will grow rapidly, so selecting a crate that will accommodate their adult size is crucial.


The weight of your German Shepherd will also influence the crate size you need. An under-sized crate can be uncomfortable, while an oversized crate may lead to your dog being tossed around during travel.

Activity level

The energy level and activity level of your dog is also a key consideration. More active dogs may need a larger crate to move around and stretch their legs, while less active dogs may prefer a smaller, cozier space.


The purpose of the crate also plays an important role in determining the size. A crate used for travel purposes should be large enough for your dog to stand up and turn around comfortably but not so large that they can’t be secured properly to remain safe during transport. For crate training, a smaller, more enclosed space may be preferable.


The location of the crate is another factor to consider. If placed in a small room with limited space, a larger crate may not fit comfortably, while in a larger room, a smaller crate may look out of place.

By taking these factors into account, you can select the most appropriate crate size for your German Shepherd that will provide them with a comfortable and secure environment, ensuring their overall well-being.

What Size Crate Should You Choose for a German Shepherd Puppy?

Choosing the right dog crate for a German Shepherd puppy is essential for their safety and comfort. Puppies have unique requirements when it comes to crate size, so it’s crucial to consider your puppy’s growth and development when selecting a crate. Here are some guidelines to help you choose the perfect crate size for your German Shepherd puppy:

Age and Size

German Shepherd puppies grow quickly, so it’s important to keep their current size and age in mind when selecting a crate. For puppies under six months old, choose a smaller crate that allows them to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

A crate that is 24 inches long, 18 inches wide, and 20 inches tall is usually suitable for German Shepherd puppies under six months old.

For puppies over six months old, choose a larger crate that accommodates their size and growth. A crate that is 36 inches long, 24 inches wide, and 26 inches tall is generally suitable for German Shepherd puppies over six months old.


When choosing a crate for your German Shepherd puppy, consider the material. A plastic crate for your dog is a good choice because it is durable, easy to clean, and provides sufficient ventilation. Wire crates are another option but may not provide the same sense of security as a plastic crate.



Where you place your puppy’s crate is also essential. Choose a location that is quiet and comfortable, away from high traffic areas and noise. Ensure that the area is well-ventilated and has a comfortable space for your puppy to rest.


Introducing your puppy to their new crate can take time and patience. To help your puppy acclimate to their new crate, put their favorite toy and blanket inside, and leave the door open so they can explore on their own. Once they seem comfortable, start closing the door for short periods while you’re home, gradually increasing the time they spend inside.

Remember, choosing the right crate size for your German Shepherd puppy is crucial for their development and overall well-being. With these guidelines, you can select a crate that provides a safe and comfortable space for your furry friend to call their own.

How to Measure Your German Shepherd for the Perfect Crate Size

Choosing the right crate size for your German Shepherd can make all the difference in providing a comfortable and secure space for your furry friend. Accurate measurements are crucial in determining the perfect size crate.

Follow these simple steps to measure your German Shepherd correctly:

  1. Measure your dog’s length: Using a tape measure, measure your German Shepherd’s length from the tip of their nose to the base of their tail.


  2. Measure your dog’s height: Have your German Shepherd stand up and measure their height from the floor to the highest point of their shoulder.


  3. Add space: Add 2-4 inches to your dog’s length and height measurements to determine the optimal crate size. This will give your dog enough room to stand, lie down, and turn around comfortably.

It’s essential to measure your German Shepherd accurately to ensure the crate is not too large or too small, providing the perfect balance of comfort and security.


Common Crate Sizes for German Shepherds

Choosing the right crate size for your German Shepherd is crucial for their comfort and safety. The size of the crate should correspond with your dog’s height, weight, and activity level. Below are the common crate sizes recommended for adult German Shepherds:


Crate Size

Dimensions (L x W x H)

Weight Capacity


42 x 28 x 31 inches

71-90 pounds


48 x 30 x 33 inches

91-110 pounds


54 x 35 x 45 inches

111-130 pounds

While these are the most common sizes for adult German Shepherds, it’s important to measure your dog carefully before making a final decision. Keep in mind that if your dog is still growing, you may need to choose a larger crate to accommodate their future size. By selecting the appropriate size, you can provide a cozy and safe space for your German Shepherd.

How to Introduce Your German Shepherd to Their New Crate

Introducing your German Shepherd to their new crate takes time and patience, but the effort is worth it. A properly introduced crate provides your furry friend with a safe haven, alleviating stress and anxiety.

The first step is to choose the right location for the crate. German Shepherds are social creatures and prefer to be near their families. Place the crate in an open yet enclosed space within your home, such as the living room or kitchen.

Next, make the crate appealing by adding your dog’s favorite toys, blankets, and treats. This incentivizes your German Shepherd to enter and remain inside the crate.

Afterward, let your dog explore the crate at their own pace. Avoid forcing them to enter the crate or locking them inside, as it may cause fear and anxiety.

Gradually encourage your dog to spend more time inside the crate by placing their meals and treats inside. Once your German Shepherd is comfortable eating in the crate, you can start closing the door while they eat, slowly increasing the amount of time the door remains shut.

Finally, leave the room while your dog is inside the crate, gradually extending the amount of time you’re away. It’s essential to create a positive association with the crate by offering praise and rewards for good crate behavior. With dedication and patience, your German Shepherd will soon embrace their new crate as a place of comfort and security.

Accessories to Enhance Your German Shepherd’s Crate Experience

Adding accessories to your German Shepherd’s crate can make it feel like a cozy and inviting space. Here are some items you can consider to enhance your furry friend’s crate experience:



Crate Pad

A soft and comfortable crate pad can make the crate feel like a bed. Make sure to choose a pad that fits the crate size correctly and can be easily washed.

Crate Cover

A crate cover can create a cozy, den-like atmosphere for your German Shepherd. It can also reduce external stimuli and help your dog relax.

Toys and Bones

Providing toys and bones can occupy your dog’s time and prevent boredom. Choose items that are appropriate for your dog’s age and chew strength

Water and Food Bowls

If you have a long-term crate set-up for your dog, consider placing water and food bowls inside the crate. Choose bowls that are sturdy and easy to clean.

Crate Fan

A crate fan can improve air circulation and keep your dog cool during hot weather. Make sure to choose a fan with an appropriate noise level and a safety cover.

“By adding these accessories to your German Shepherd’s crate, you can ensure they have a comfortable and enjoyable environment for resting and relaxing.


Choosing the right crate size for your German Shepherd is essential for their comfort and safety. Remember to consider factors such as age, weight, and activity level when selecting a crate size and to measure your dog accurately. 

Introducing your furry friend to their crate positively can help them feel comfortable and secure. Adding accessories to the crate can also enhance their overall experience. By providing a cozy and inviting space for your German Shepherd, you can ensure they have a happy and healthy home.


What size crate does my German Shepherd need?

The size of the crate for your German Shepherd depends on their height and weight. It’s important to choose a crate that allows your dog to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Measure your dog’s dimensions and choose a crate that provides enough space for them to move freely.

Why is choosing the right size crate important for my German Shepherd?

Choosing the right size crate is important for your German Shepherd because it affects their comfort and safety. A crate that is too small can make your dog feel cramped and stressed, while a crate that is too big may not provide the secure den-like environment that dogs crave. A properly-sized crate promotes a sense of security and ensures your dog has enough space to relax and sleep.

What factors should I consider when choosing a crate size for my German Shepherd?

When choosing a crate size for your German Shepherd, consider factors such as your dog’s age, weight, and activity level. Additionally, think about the purpose of the crate and where it will be located. For example, if you plan to use a crate for crate training or travel, you may need a different size than if it will be a permanent resting place for your dog.

What size crate should I choose for my German Shepherd puppy?

German Shepherd puppies have different crate size requirements compared to adult dogs. The crate should be large enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. However, it shouldn’t be too big, as this could lead to potty accidents. As your puppy grows, you can gradually increase the size of the crate to accommodate their needs.

How do I measure my German Shepherd for the perfect crate size?

To measure your German Shepherd for the perfect crate size, measure their height from the floor to the top of their shoulders (withers) and their length from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. Add a few inches to both measurements to ensure your dog has enough room to move comfortably. Use these measurements as a guide when selecting a crate size.

What are the common crate sizes for German Shepherds?

The common dog crate sizes for German Shepherds are usually between 36 inches and 48 inches in length. However, it’s important to choose a crate size that specifically fits your individual dog’s measurements. The height of the crate should be around 30 inches to allow your German Shepherd to stand comfortably.

How do I introduce my German Shepherd to their new crate?

To introduce your German Shepherd to their new dog crate, start by making the crate a positive and inviting space. Place treats or toys inside the crate to entice your dog to explore. Gradually increase the amount of time your dog spends in the crate, and reward them with praise and treats for calm and relaxed behavior. Avoid forcing or rushing the process, as it may create a negative association with the crate.

What accessories can I use to enhance my German Shepherd’s crate experience?

There are various accessories you can use to enhance your German Shepherd’s crate experience. Consider adding a comfortable dog bed, cozy blankets, or a crate cover for privacy. Interactive toys or puzzle feeders can also provide mental stimulation and entertainment while your dog is in the crate. However, ensure that any accessories are safe and appropriate for your dog.

James has been raising and working with dogs since 2017, and has been a dog lover his entire life. He and his wife have a young son and love spending time together, traveling, enjoying the outdoors and connecting their quality German Shepherd pups with great families.